
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. We have inventory depots and staff across Canada. This allows us to economically deliver units of all kinds coast to coast!

Yes. We offer a variety of financing options on all of our Canada-wide inventory, and units that you may find on your own. Most times, we get approvals within just 24-48 hours, and offer terms and conditions that we ensure will fit your budget.

No, you have the flexibility to choose. Whether you find the unit yourself or buy it from us, we offer financing options for any purchase you make.

No, there are no penalties or fee charges if you choose to pay off your loan before the agreed-upon term. All of our financing options are open loans, allowing you the flexibility to pay off the loan sooner without any penalties. We encourage you to manage your finances in a way that best suits your needs and goals.

Absolutely! We have two options for you to connect with a sales representative.

  • Reach us directly by calling our toll-free number at +1 (800) 789-8230.
  • Start a live chat with one of our representatives by clicking on the chat icon located in the bottom right corner of the screen. 

Yes, we work with a wide range of lenders who provide loans to customers with various credit profiles. Whether you have a prime credit score or fall into the sub-prime category, we can help you secure financing. 

Absolutely! We have been working with First Nation communities across the country for the past 10 years, assisting them in finding the perfect unit. 

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Our team is here to help! Reach out to us through the form below and we’ll assist you in finding the perfect match for your needs.

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    Forest River RPod 153
    Thunder Jet 210 Luxor Limited
    Thunder Jet Chinook Pro
    Thunder Jet 185 Luxor
    © 2023 First Kanata Motorsports Marine RV